DM42 – Türme von Hanoi

Programm für den SwissMicros DM42 Taschenrechner zum Lösen des Puzzles ‚Türme von Hanoi‘.


  • Anzahl Scheiben [1..15] eingeben und R/S drücken
  • Die Scheiben werden jetzt umgeschichtet
  • Wenn das Puzzle gelöst ist, R/S drücken für Neustart


(Auch auf Github verfügbar)

{ 297-Byte Prgm }

; Towers of Hanoi

001 § LBL "HANOIX"

; ask user to enter number of disks and limit it to
; the supported range [1..7]

003   15
004   X>Y?
005   X<>Y
006   1
007   STO 04
008   X<Y?
009   X<>Y
010   STO "DISKS"

; initialize pile matrix

011   STO 00
012   RCL 04
013   +
014   3
015   STO 05
016   DIM "PILE"
017   INDEX "PILE"       ; (DISKS+1) x 3 matrix
018   RCL 04
019   RCL 05
020   STOIJ

; disk DISKS+1 represents the basement and acts as a sentinel
; when moving disks
021   RCL ST T           ; DISKS+1 := sentinel      
022   STOEL
023   J-
024   STOEL
025   J-
026   STOEL

; smallest disk is moved to the right if number of disks
; is even, otherwise it is moved to the left

027   RCL 00
028   RCL 04
029   AND
030   LASTX
031   +
032   STO 07

; initialize other data registers to zero

033   RCL 04
034   STO 01
035   STO 02
036   STO 03
037   STO 06
038   STO 08

; DM42 Graphics Mode 2 (200x120)

039   2
040   STO "GrMod"
; set default AGRAPH mode

041   CF 34
042   CF 35

; draw basement
043   CLLCD
044   -115
045   ENTER
046   CLX
047   PIXEL
048   ISG ST Y
049   PIXEL

; set up initial tower

050 § LBL 00
051   XEQ 04
052   XEQ 02
053   DSE 00
054   GTO 00

; start solving puzzle

055   TONE 3
056   TONE 1
057   GTO 08

; remove top disk of size R00 from pile R08

058 § LBL 01

; erase disk

059   SF 34
060   XEQ 03

; update pile

061   RCL IND 08         ; pile height := index of top disk
062   RCL 08             ; pile
063   STOIJ
064   CLX
065   STOEL

; decrease tower height

066   DSE IND 08

067   RTN

; put disk of size R00 onto pile R08

068 § LBL 02

; increase tower height

069   ISG IND 08
070   CLX 

; update pile

071   RCL IND 08         ; pile height := index of top disk
072   RCL 08             ; pile
073   STOIJ
074   RCL 00
075   STOEL

; draw disk and return

076   CF 34

; draw topmost disk of size R00 on pile R08
; assumes ALPHA register contains disk pattern
; SF 34, CF 35 will erase the disk

077 § LBL 03

; compute display row

078   120
079   RCL IND 08
080   6
081   *
002   -

; compute display column

083   RCL 08
084   65
085   x
086   30
087   -
088   RCL 00
089   ENTER
090   +
091   -

; finally, draw the disk

092   AGRAPH
093   RCL 00
094   +
095   AGRAPH
096   RCL 00
097   +
098   AGRAPH
099   RCL 00
100   +
101   AGRAPH
102   PSE
103   RTN

; build string for drawing disk of size R00

104 § LBL 04
105   CLA
106   RCL 00
107 § LBL 05
108   |-"→"            ; hex 15
109   DSE ST X
110   GTO 05
111   RTN

; main loop

112 § LBL 06

; determine the one and only possible move after the
; smallest disk has been moved

; get indices of piles next to smallest disk

113   RCL 06
114   RCL 05
115   MOD
116   RCL 04
117   +
118   STO 08

119   RCL 05
120   MOD
121   RCL 04
122   +
123   STO 09

; get sizes of topmost disks on these piles

124   RCL IND 08
125   RCL 08
126   STOIJ
127   RCLEL
128   STO 00

129   RCL IND 09
130   RCL 09
131   STOIJ
132   RCL 00
133   RCLEL

; test which move is legal

134   X>Y?
135   GTO 07

; move disk from pile R09 to pile R08

136   STO 00
137   RCL 09
138   X<> 08
139   STO 09

; move disk from pile R08 to pile R09

140 § LBL 07
141   XEQ 04
142   XEQ 01
143   RCL 09
144   STO 08
145   XEQ 02

146 § LBL 08

; remove smallest disk

147   RCL 04
148   STO 00
149   RCL 06
150   STO 08
151   XEQ 04
152   XEQ 01

; move it to the next pile

153   RCL 06
154   RCL 04
155   -
156   RCL 07
157   +
158   RCL 05
159   MOD
160   RCL 04
161   +
162   STO 06
163   STO 08
164   XEQ 02

; puzzle solved if all disk are on target pile

165   RCL 03
166   RCL "DISKS"
167   X>Y?
168   GTO 06

169   TONE 5
170   TONE 8
171   END

Register Usage
R00   size of current disk
R01   height of pile 1
R02   height of pile 2
R03   height of pile 3
R04   constant 1
R05   constant 3
R06   pile with smallest disk
R07   smallest disk move
R08   current pile
R09   destination pile

DISKS total number of disks
PILE  pile matrix, dimension 3 x DISKS+1     

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