Steve Jobs hat die digitale Welt geprägt und immer wieder neu erfunden. Traurig, dass ihm nicht mehr Zeit auf dieser Welt gegönnt war. Ich bin sicher, er hätte noch viele Ideen verwirklichen wollen. Danke, Steve, und ruhe in Frieden!
Noch eine Randbemerkung, um den Link zu Taschenrechnern herzustellen: als ich vor einiger Zeit in Steve Wozniak’s Autobiographie „iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It“ schmökerte, stiess ich auf die folgende Anekdote.
On starting Apple
We were in (Steve Jobs‘) car and he said — and I can remember him saying this like it was yesterday, „Well, even if we lose our money, we’ll have a company. For once in our lives, we’ll have a company.“
To come up with the $1,000 we thought we’d need … I sold my HP 65 calculator for $500. The guy who bought it only paid me half though, and never paid me the rest. I didn’t feel too bad because I knew HP’s next-generation calculator, the HP 67, was coming out in a month and would cost me only $370 with the employee discount.
And Steve sold his VW van for another few hundred dollars. He figured he could ride around on his bicycle if he had to. That was it. We were in business.